Monday 30 November 2009

Blogdog nearly done

Well here he is nearly finished. I modified the highlights to a different tone of red/chocolate. I combined 3 different shades of Unison pastel to get the various chocolate tones and added  a deep purple to get the darkest areas. I just want to twiddle with an ear now and he should be done. I have been over his coat with a pastel shaper to drag some hairs in.

Someone has just shouted teas ready so I shall post some detail pics later.

Friday 27 November 2009

Fridays Blogdog

Well I was happy with progress so far but needed more input from his owners and so today Blogdog brought his walkers to visit and had a look to see how he was progressing.

From our visit we have decided that his nose isnt quite as amber as it looks in the photos and the lining of his ears is a bright grey colour. The tuft hair at the top of his ears is also not as brght theat was a trick of the light. I now feel confident that we can progress to completion.
Oh and the pinky colour around his eyes is more pronounced almost like goggles and he has a little on his nose probably where he sticks it in things.

Monday 23 November 2009

Monday BlogDog

I have done quite a bit more work on Blogdog and forgotten to post progress.
This is how he looks today asfter lots of layers of colour and work starting on the background.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Todays Blogdog

Left Blogdog alone for a
while now working on him again
and laying in different colours
to build up the coat started work on his tongue and nose.

Sunday 15 November 2009

More Blogdog

Worked some more on Blogdog
using lots of different shades of
brown and lilac as a highlight colour.

An Update on Blogdog

I always start with the eyes I have
used a white pastel Pencil here to
place the highlights and then a
very Dark Purple to start of the pupil.

Next I use the same white pencil to put in all the
white highlights and a Black pastel pencil for
the dark lines around the eyes and nostrils.

Next I find the eye colour
and use a combination of
Reddish Brown,
Yellow Ochre and a Brighter Yellow.

Now I start putting the
Darkest Browns in using
my favourite Dark Brown
Unison Pastel BE6.
You would be amazed at
how many of my paintings
have a little BE6 in the dark areas.

And finally for today a
note on board angles.
I always set my board
so that the pastel dust
falls forward away from
the painting.

Saturday 14 November 2009

A Portrait of a Certain Dog - Blogdog

A certain dog  is a rather appealing Chocolate Labrador Cross who is being painted as a Christmas present. I have decided to do a WIP of his painting which I will post online. As its for Christmas you never know who is watching so I will keep him anonymous just in case.

8th Nov 2009

Initial stage this is an outline drawing in pencil which I produce from a blurred photo.

13th Nov 2009

Next tracing the drawing I am going to paint. This is the best method I have found for transferring my drawing onto the Sanded Card I use for Pastels. In this example I am using a Royal Sovereign pastel Card in Raw Sienna. 

I prepare the sanded card inspecting the surface for flaws and then draw a rectangle the size of the completed drawing and run masking tape around the edges to obtain a clean line for the completed drawing.

I take my traced drawing and turn it over. I use a charcoal pencil to draw over the back of the pencil lines.

I carefully place my tracing over the prepared card charcoal side down. Place a weight on it to stop it moving and rub the back of a finger nail over every line. As I go I partially lift the tracing paper from the card to check I have not missed a bit. Hey Presto I have my outline.

The tracing will be kept and used to hold over the painting as I work and ensure no lines have suddenly shifted while I have been concentrating on fur.

Excess Sanded card removed when taping up my serlected size will be used to test pastel colours as I work.